The best aspect about this application is the social interaction that it provides on people on the same subject. This is not like a random facebook page where people of the same/similar thoughts/practices get together and share youtube/twitter links. This is more than that. Try the app yourself. It is available in both iOs and Android. Also, you do not necessarily have to install it via a smartphone (although that is ideal), you have the browser version too - http://coach.me - BEAT THAT !
I am writing this because I recently deleted (archived) one of the habits - Brushing teeth at night. The reason I deleted it because I no longer need coach.me to motivate me. Its in my blood now, I cannot go to bed without brushing. From the outside, this may seem a simple thing, but I've been struggling to keep this a practice and failed miserably for the past 16 years. I did it religiously and targeted a 100 day streak and successfully completed that!! Thank you very much Tony Stubblebine. You are my rockstar!
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