Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Coach.me contract!

I am really excited to have taken a serious stance towards improving my writing habit. As a first step, I wanted someone to help me towards making it a practice rather an "impulsive surge" that is great only for a short period of time. I already have an account with coach.me for a very long time and I just hired a personal coach. The Zeroth assignment given to me was to first write a contract that I should abide by. My coach Jen Anderson, gave a template on how to write one. This is what I came up with

"Beginning today, October 11, 2016, I, Braga will write every day for a period of minimum 20 minutes for 30 days. Should any obstacles present itself during this period, I would seek expert advice from Jen, my coach. As with other key goals, I track with coach.me, like Meditation, Yoga, and Read - I would include "Write" which I will check-in only if I meet the minimum requirement of writing at least 20 minutes a day; I do not have an upper limit to this period. I pray to the almighty to give me the power and consistency to be on track with this objective."

I am really excited and hope to continue in this direction. I am blogging about this not for the general public, but for myself - more like a journal.


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